Senior Mets Swim Meet Results
July 23, 2015
Dear MatchPoint NYC’s parents and swimmers, this past weekend our boys team had placed 8th in the Metropolitan area at the Senior Mets swim meet.
The winners in detail:
Pavel Buyanov: 1st place in100 meters Breaststroke -1:04,39 and 2nd place in 200 meters Breaststroke- 2:22,47.
Ariel Okhtenberg: 4th place in 100 meters Freestyle -53.41 and 5th place in 100 meters Breaststroke-1:06,68,
Relays 400 Medley: 3rd place holders include: Daniel Adaev, Pavel Buyanov, Elan Oumarov, Ariel Okhtenberg- 4:01,13.